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Why Blockchain is the future of technology

Why Blockchain is the future of technology

| Published on: Feb 24, 2022 Views: 385

Technology has gained significant traction du ring the last few years. Currently, blockchain is some how comparable to the inter net that created a revolution three decades ago. Many of us never predicted during the early 90s the internet wo uld be available 24x7 in our pocket on handheld devices like cellphones after 30 years. Blockchain has the ability to create an equivalent impact across domains that include industry, trade, communication, education, etc. In general, blockchain is but a distri- buted database to store blocks of immutable records that are cryptographically secured. Due to the immutability, this database is secured.

New profiles

The growth of blockchain, in addition to the increased de- mand for currently available roles, will result in the creation of various new job profiles. Adding blockchain knowled ge to your core skill sets, re gardless of your previous edu- cation or experience, can im- prove your long-term employ- ment chances. The most popular job positions in block- chain industries are that of blockchain developer, securi- ty manager, project manager,user-interface designer, quality engineer etc.

Currently, Blockchain can be comparable to the internet that created a revolution in our lives three decades back

Growing demand

Lots of students and profes sionals are enrolling themsel ves in online courses on block chain technology due to the fe wer number of blockchain-re lated course offerings by different universities.

Bennett University's School of Computer Science Engineering and Technolo gy is offering BTech and BCA degree with a speciali sation in Blockchain. The programmes are enriched with relevant industry certi fications and tie-ups. Along with this, all the faculty members of the School are PhDs from premier institu tions. It helps to engage cut ting-edge skills to match in dustry standards.

(The author is assistant professor, Department of CSE, Bennett University)

Published on :-  Times of India

Date :- 21 02 2022

Why Blockchain  is the future of technology

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